About This Site

This site contains instructional materials as well as other relevant information on the Master in Environmental Science Course. This will also serve as an open source of information for those who seek to pursue a degree related to the environment. Recently, other graduate courses namely Ed D in Educational Administration and Master in Public Administration courses were added.   


Everything is connected to everything else.

History of project

This project arose due to the need for a way to disseminate information about the MS in Environmental Science course and student concerns in this field.

Intended users

This site is primarily designed for students of the MS in Environmental Science course of Palawan State University. Visitors of like interest, however, are welcome to browse the site. This is an open information source, so just acknowledge your source by writing its URL or the specific authors and the URL if you find materials (pictures, files, videos, etc.) herein useful. You are likewise referred to Palawaniana.net for more materials related to the environment of Palawan.

Happy reading.